The most sweltering time of summer is coming to an end, so we’ll soon have the chance to enjoy some outside activities with pets. But, due to the increasing number of summer activities, our pets are exposed to a new range of risks. The awareness of the risks our pets experience throughout the summer months is essential, ranging from becoming dehydrated to being assaulted by other animals.
What do these situations involving pets mean?
We will discuss the top five emergencies that can happen in summer when you have pets and the best ways to avoid them. Because you now have this knowledge, you can take your pet out on enjoyable excursions like barbecuing, swimming, or hiking without worrying about their health. Here’s the deal.
Proper Hydration
Monitoring your pet’s water level is essential during the hot summer. Dehydration happens when animals lose the excess fluids they consume, which can happen quickly in hot temperatures. You can prevent dehydration by providing your pet with clean, fresh water. Low-sodium bone or chicken broth can increase your water intake during warmer days.
If you’re out in the sun with your pet, ensure that you have a water bowl that is collapsible along with some water to drink. Also, if you’re going trekking or performing any other strenuous exercise in the heat, ensure you bring plenty of water for yourself and your pet. Click here to learn more about emergency pet care.
Drowning is a different summer pet danger to be aware of. If pets aren’t adequately supervised, they can drown in swimming pools, lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. Avoid drowning by never leaving your pet on its own in areas of water. If kids are going to swim, ensure you’re present to oversee them.
If your pet is fond of swimming, you should also consider purchasing a pet life jacket. If they experience difficulties in the water and get stuck, they’ll have a greater chance of staying there until they get to shore.
Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion, which could rapidly turn into heatstroke, is among the most frequent summer pet problems. Heat exhaustion can occur in pets left in hot weather for prolonged periods exercising vigorously during the summer heat or placed in a vehicle that is not parked.
Suppose your pet shows any of the symptoms listed above, such as drooling or heavy panting, weakness, or fatigue. Move them to a cooler or shaded spot and provide them with water. You can also spray cool water and put a cooling fan in their fur. If your pet’s health isn’t improving or they begin to exhibit signs of heatstroke (such as confusion, dizziness, or confusion), seek emergency vet care from a Lacey vet immediately.
Insect Stings and Bites
Insects are the most active. Although most bug bites and stings can be irritating, some are catastrophic or fatal. Despite their fur pets, they are most likely stung at susceptible places such as the nose, mouth, muzzle, or ears. Avoid places where insects can be found to breed, including tall grass or flower beds, to avoid insect bites and stings. Also, you should consider using an insect repellent that is natural for your pet, especially if you’ll be spending time in an area where insects could be a problem.
Some insects, such as wasps and bees, can trigger dangerous allergic reactions. If you’re concerned that your pet may have been injured or bitten by a toxic bug, get in touch with a pet vet pharmacy so they can advise you on what to give, especially in these kinds of situations.
Animal Onslaught
Attacks on animals are among our list’s most serious summer pet emergencies. This is one of many issues that come to mind when you think about summer. Animal attacks are common because many pets spend more time outdoors during warmer months.
Your dog’s companion can be at risk more than any other animal of getting bitten by another dog, so be extra careful when you’re with other dogs. If you’re taking your dog to an animal park or beach, ensure they’re properly supervised and on a leash.
Safeguard Your Pet
It is the perfect time of year to be outdoors with your pet. However, it’s essential to be wary of the various hazards of warm temperatures. With these guidelines, you can help keep your pet safe and avoid any summertime dangers.