Although blood in your dog’s feces could indicate a significant health condition, you should not freak out if you see this happen. It might likewise be because of anything trivial. Blood in the dog’s stool is a serious indicator that something is amiss and must be examined quickly.
What is bloody diarrhea?
Hematochezia, regularly known as bloody diarrhea, is defined by the presence of blood in loose and watery stools. At any moment in the digestion process, beginning in the mouth and continuing through the anus, there is a possibility that blood will enter the stool. An underlying illness, sickness, or gastrointestinal damage is probably what your dog is dealing with if it develops bloody diarrhea.
Common Causes of Bloody Diarrhea in Dogs
Do not freak out if you get several of your dog’s feces with blood, but you must pay attention to what you’re looking at. Blood in the feces could indicate a severe medical condition, but it could just arise from something much more harmless. This article will discuss several of the most common reasons dogs get bloody diarrhea.
While the severity of several of these conditions might differ, you should consider them all until your veterinarian can determine what’s wrong with your dog.
Parasitic Infection
Some dogs can get parasite infections in their gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms of this condition in your dog include diarrhea with a bright red bloody color. It’s likewise possible to spot parasites if they’ve been vomiting, having diarrhea, or experiencing stomach discomfort.
Always ensure that your pet’s vaccines are up to date to defend them from contracting any parasite diseases. Hence, they will prevent getting the potentially deadly sickness. Follow this page if you want to keep your pet vaccinations updated.
Foreign Object Ingestion
A dog’s digestive system can bleed internally if it swallows a foreign object, like a piece of a toy or an item from your home. This will show up as black, tarry stools due to the presence of digested blood. Sleep problems, nausea, vomiting, discomfort, and even seizures and comas are all symptoms of this condition.
Get your dog to a vet who provides veterinary emergency care as soon as possible if you see any of these symptoms.
When a dog is under stress, its bowels may become inflamed, resulting in a loss of fluid and blood. Stress colitis is a familiar name for this condition, and ulcers are frequently present together with it. A dog can have bloody diarrhea as a symptom of any inflammatory disorder that affects the bowels.
Parvovirus is prevalent in puppies but can even infect adult dogs that haven’t been vaccinated. Bloody diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and dehydration are common symptoms of parvovirus infection—the illness results in the sudden death of countless puppies each year.
If you plan on bringing your pet to a boarding facility, you must get it vaccinated against parvovirus. If you need to leave your pet somewhere while you are out of town, make sure you pick a reliable Pet Hotel Boarding.
Whenever you have to decide on your dog’s health, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Having your dog examined can aid the vet in establishing the origin of your dog’s diarrhea so that they can provide the most proper medication.