Consistent preventative care, including examinations and vaccines, can ensure your pet enjoys a long and well-balanced life. The objective is to determine health problems in their earliest stages, when they may be more manageable. Therefore, routine checkups at the vet are recommended. Being proactive can help you avoid developing certain ailments or illnesses in the first place.
When should you take your pet in for a checkup?
Owning a pet means being responsible for its well-being throughout its expected lifespan. Also essential to pet ownership is ensuring regular trips to the animal hospital or vet clinic for checkups and treatment. However, when is the right time to take your pet to the veterinarian? In this article, we’ll examine the various age thresholds at which taking a pet to the vet becomes necessary.
If you want to guarantee your kitten or puppy is well-protected by immunizations, they must see the vet frequently when they are young. This initial set of kitten and puppy vaccination is provided every three to four weeks beginning at six to eight weeks of age and continuing until the pet is sixteen to twenty weeks old.
For the same reasons, vets will recommend frequent checkups for your pet throughout its first year to ensure its organs are consistently developing, it is gaining weight properly, and its teeth and bones are growing normally. This is also the time when your vet will conduct the spay or neuter procedure and deworm your pet to remove any worms in the digestive system.
Adult years
When pets get to adult years, your veterinarian will recommend annual examinations at the very least. The goals of these consultations are to:
- Examine your pet’s physical condition carefully
- Give your pet booster shots to ensure it stays protected against harmful diseases
- Provide tips for affordable pet vaccinations that can help protect your pet against health conditions to which it is uniquely at risk due to its environment, way of living, or other factors
- Keep your pet free of internal parasites, heartworms, and external parasites such as fleas and ticks
- Examine your pet’s mouth and tooth structure, and recommend any essential oral care
- Do an evaluation of your pet’s diet to ensure it’s appropriate for your pet’s breed, age, health, and lifestyle
- Bring up any inquiries or concerns you have concerning your pet’s behavior
You can check out websites like https://www.dellsanimalhospital.net/site/veterinary-lab-wisconsin-dells if you have an adult pet and want to learn more about the diagnostic tests they require to stay healthy.
Senior years
Animals, like people, have a substantial need for medical attention as they age. This is why vets recommend exams for senior pets every six months instead of yearly. In addition to physical and any required vaccines, senior pets may need additional health evaluations during their visit.
The pet may have a series of diagnostic procedures, including a review of its medical history, a physical examination, and a complete blood count and urine analysis to analyze its internal organ function. When taking your senior pet in for a medical exam, discuss any changes in your pet’s health or habits, so they may get the ideal treatment possible.
No matter how old your beloved pet is, you need to ensure they get regular health care to know they’re healthy. Similar to our health, the best way to ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life is to always keep them from getting sick. You can help your pet by regularly taking it to the veterinarian for checkups. Because, after all, we intend to spend as much time as possible together appreciating life’s pleasures.