You’ve definitely heard about acupuncture for people, but did you know that pets can also get this ancient Chinese treatment? Acupuncture may be beneficial for your pet if they have any of the following signs: chronic pain, arthritis, intestinal problems, oral pain, etc.
Acupuncture has been a complementary therapy in traditional Chinese medication for thousands of years. In the last few years, acupuncture has become a pet therapy option, especially for post-surgical healing and dental pain management.
Thin needles are inserted into particular body parts throughout acupuncture therapies. These points represent channels or meridians whereby vital energy, or Qi, flows. By stimulating these points, acupuncture can help balance the circulation of Qi, promoting recovery and reducing discomfort and inflammation.
Advantages of Pet Acupuncture After a Surgery
Veterinary acupuncture is gaining popularity due to its success as a veterinary medication. Are you curious about how acupuncture can benefit your pet? Below are some ways in which acupuncture can aid with surgery recovery and dental pain in pets:
Pain Management
Acupuncture can help reduce pain and inflammation, especially for pets recovering from surgery or experiencing dental pain. By stimulating the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms, acupuncture can help pets feel comfier and reduce pain medication requirements.
Suppose you are considering acupuncture as a complementary treatment for your pet’s pain management after dental surgery. In that case, discussing this with your veterinarian to learn more about this and if it is appropriate and to locate a certified veterinary acupuncturist in your area is important.
Faster Healing
Acupuncture can also help promote faster healing by improving blood circulation and oxygenation to the affected area. This can help reduce swelling, increase the range of activity, and quick recovery. Along with acupuncture, other complementary therapies may help animals recover from oral surgery, including laser therapy, massage, and herbal medicine. Again, consulting with a licensed vet experienced in these therapies is necessary to make sure they are used safely and properly for your pet’s requirements.
Stress Reduction
Surgical treatment and dental treatments can be stressful for pets, and stress can adversely influence the healing process. Acupuncture’s calming effects on the body and mind make it an effective treatment for stress and anxiety, improving their overall quality of life.
If your pet has gone through oral surgery and is experiencing stress or pain, acupuncture might be an effective option to consider. However, you must seek advice from a professional veterinarian who has acupuncture experience and can assess your pet’s needs.
Improved Immune Function
Some evidence indicates that acupuncture can stimulate the immune system in humans and animals. Blood circulation to body tissues is improved by acupuncture. This is important because dogs and cats have healthier immune systems when more oxygen and nutrients are there to sustain the cells involved in identifying and combating illness.
Acupuncture can also help boost the immune system, benefiting pets recuperating from surgical treatment or dealing with dental infections. You must see a vet dentist or consult with a licensed vet trained in acupuncture is crucial and can assess whether it is appropriate for your pet’s specific problem and needs.
Final Thoughts
Acupuncture must be used as a complementary therapy with other standard vet therapies, such as pain medication and antibiotics, to help pets recuperate from oral surgery. Overall, acupuncture can be a safe and effective treatment option for animals recuperating from surgery or experiencing dental pain. However, working with a licensed and experienced vet acupuncturist is crucial to ensure the treatment is appropriate for your pet’s needs and health conditions.