What Questions to Ask Before Selecting a Pet Boarding Facility?

Picking a spot for your furry friend to stay while you’re away is not a choice to be made lightly. You need to feel comfortable knowing your pet’s needs will be met. This detailed guide offers pointers to help you find the right pet boarding home. And we’ll provide you with key questions that will give you the most important information for making your decision.

Importance of Understanding Your Pet’s Needs

Each pet is one-of-a-kind, with their own personality quirks. Some adore being in the mix at a bustling doggie daycare, while others prefer a quiet corner with a comforting toy. Pets also have unique health requirements, just like humans. They have their own dietary preferences, medication routines, and so on. Be on the lookout for pet care facilities that cater to every pet as an individual.

An important thing to be mindful of is the staff-to-pet ratio. This ratio tells you how much one-on-one attention your pet will receive. The higher the ratio, the more likely your fur baby will get the care they need.

Key Factors to Consider Before Selecting a Pet Boarding Facility

Safety First

Good pet boarding facilities like https://www.northcobbanimalhospital.com/site/other-services-kennesaw/boarding take safety seriously. They should have a plan in place for handling emergencies, and the premises should be secure. Fencing, video surveillance, and secure leash-free areas factor into a safe environment. Non-slip floors can help prevent accidents, especially in active play areas.

A special needs pet requires a special kind of care. Facilities should have necessary provisions such as ramps for older pets or quiet zones for pets with anxiety. Get a good understanding of how your pet’s special needs would be met.

Cleanliness Standards

Cleanliness impacts pets’ health. Inquire about their cleaning routine and how they maintain sanitation in areas shared by pets. Kennels should be clean, free of odors, and bedding should be fresh and cozy. Waste should be promptly cleaned up and outdoor areas should be well maintained.

Scope of Monitoring and Supervision

Regular monitoring keeps pets safe. Ask how often pets are checked on and whether there will be supervision during outdoor activities. If possible, ask for a facility with on-site, 24/7 supervision to handle unexpected situations.

Carers and Staff

The right staff can make all the difference to your pet’s boarding experience. Staff should be properly trained, and compassionate toward pets. Ask about their experience, how they handle pets, and their ability to administer medications if needed. Good pet boarding facilities hire people who genuinely care about animals.

Understanding Different pet boarding services

Many pet owners overlooked the fact that facility should have emergency services or closely tied with a full-service Kennesaw pet hospital. A facility should be able to provide immediate care in case the pet requires vet surgery. Check if the boarding facility is affiliated with a pet hospital and how they handle medical emergencies.

Questions to Pose to Potential Pet Boarding Facilities

Hours of Operation

The facility’s hours should sync with your schedule. Weekend or holiday openings, drop-off and pick-up timing are critical. Don’t forget to confirm the hours as per your travel arrangements and work schedule.

Health Checks and Requirements

All reliable pet boarding facilities have a thorough health checking procedure in place. Understanding what health check they undertake before accepting a pet helps you gauge the safety level of the facility. Keep a record of your pet’s vaccination ready.

Emergency Procedures

Accidents and emergencies happen. A competent pet boarding facility will have emergency procedures, detailing what actions will be taken in the event of a medical emergency, extreme weather, or a pet being injured.

Accommodation and Daily Routine

Get a tour of the place where your pet will stay. Could be a kennel, a cage or a suite – choose what your pet prefer most. Along with this, knowing about the pet’s daily schedule gives you a feel of what to expect, like when they play or when meals are served. Different play options like outdoor play, individual play or group play can be considered and chosen as per your pet’s preference.

Services Available

Facilities may differ in the nature of services they offer. Some will offer grooming, walking services, cuddling or playtimes with staff, or special meal preparations. Get a clear understanding of what all are available and the cost associated with them.


Important to note is that the perfect pet boarding facility for one pet might not be for another. It’s about discovering a facility that meets your pet’s specific needs and makes them feel as comfy and loved as possible. An informed decision leads to a happy pet and a worry-free period of separation.

Additional Tips

Take your fur baby for a visit to the facility before committing, observe how they react to the new surroundings, and trust your feeling. Also, check if they have transportation services which can be beneficial during your busy days. Just like people, every pet is unique, so they deserve a place that understands them and cares for them in the best way possible.